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Transform Your Life from the Mundane to the Magical Through the Science of Happiness and The Law of Attraction

I absolutely love the book! This is one of those few books that I will keep close and re-read often to remind myself of these important words and techniques for higher vibrations, happiness and enlightenment. — Scott Schmaljohn

Unlock your happy future today by attending an online class

It goes right to your soul and builds a positive energy that comes from within.
— Mexico City class participant

"Are you struggling to find contentment, quiet the critical voice in your head or simply need an emotional tune-up?"

Cindi has changed my life and taught me how to heal from trauma, identify what my body needs to feel safe and calm and provided the foundations for my soul to heal. I am forever grateful for her. — Nikie Bauer

  • Are you tired of feeling dissatisfied with your life?
  • Have you had a string of bad relationships at home and at work?
  • Do you feel like you’re just stuck-- and don’t know what to do about it?

Once you learn to change your thoughts, you will have the ability to change your energy. Positive energy leads to a new awareness of gratitude and kindness, which allows you to attract an abundance of love, friendships, and financial resources.

Your Journey to Happiness begins with three simple steps:

Use the FLIP IT™ technique to identify negative thoughts and transform them into positive patterns.

Savor the positive experiences in your life to create lasting happiness.

An essential part of creating happiness is being able to share the positive feelings you’ve generated inside of you with the world outside of you.

No matter what’s happening in your world, you have the power to manifest the life you want to live and person you were meant to be. Jump in and start your journey toward living a life of joy, contentment, and well-being!

I absolutely love the book! This is one of those few books that I will keep close and re-read often to remind myself of these important words and techniques for higher vibrations, happiness and enlightenment.

— Scott Schmaljohn

It goes right to your soul and builds a positive energy that comes from within.

— Class Participant, Mexico City

Cindi has changed my life and taught me how to heal from trauma, identify what my body needs to feel safe and calm and provided the foundations for my soul to heal. I am forever grateful to her.

— Nikie Bauer

Given the huge transitions and challenges I am personally facing, the timing for this book has proven ideal, even transformative. It’s given me a chance to reconsider my vibrational potential…and has been a major opportunity for experiencing life-affirming gratitude. Thank you!

— Kathy Gyurkey

This class is like an oasis during this pandemic and the rhythm of life we are swimming in.

— Class Participant, Mexico City

Are you ready to commit to a new life?

Contact us and get ready to Be Happy!

First Create Happiness can be life changing! See what my students are saying.

First Create Happiness classes having given me the quick, simple skills that I needed to turn negative feelings around to the positive. I literally use Cindi’s “FLIP IT” technique on a daily basis and am now able to provide happiness for myself instead of being a victim of negativity. The book is short and to the point with very enjoyable images that make the message easy to understand. The happiness games that are offered in the newsletters provide reinforcement to insure that the happiness results are lasting. Thank you Cindi for your commitment to spreading happiness!

— Juanita Segovia

No matter what’s happening in your world, you have the power to manifest the life you want to live and person you were meant to be.

Given the huge transitions and challenges I am personally facing, the timing for this book has proven ideal, even transformative. It’s given me a chance to reconsider my vibrational potential…and has been a major opportunity for experiencing life-affirming gratitude. Thank you!

— Kathy Gyurkey

Jump in and start your journey toward living a life of joy, contentment, and well-being!

This class is like an oasis during this pandemic and the rhythm of life we are swimming in.

— Class Participant Mexico City

Are you ready to commit to a new life?

Contact us and get ready to Be Happy!